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Reform Ph Party Launched Led By Former Senator Honasan

Reform PH Party Launched, Led by Former Senator Honasan

Reform PH, a New Political Party in the Philippines

Former Senator Gregorio Gringo Honasan has launched Reform PH Party, a new political movement in the Philippines. Reform PH is composed of former members of the Magdalo soldiers and other groups.

The Reform PH Party's Mission

Reform PH Party aims to promote reforms in the Philippine government and society. The party's platform includes a focus on accountability, transparency, and inclusive economic growth.

Former Senator Honasan's Leadership

Former Senator Honasan served in the Philippine Senate from 2007 to 2019. He is a retired military officer who served in various positions in the Philippine Armed Forces. Honasan is also a staunch advocate for reforms in the government.

Reform PH Party's Future Prospects

Reform PH Party is a relatively new political movement and its future prospects remain to be seen. However, the party has the potential to make a significant impact on Philippine politics. It remains to be seen how the party will fare in upcoming elections.
